Band Width Information 01 - ITU, Recommendation ITU-R SM.1138-2, Necessary Bandwidths (October 2008 Emissions Table).pdf
Band Width Information 02 - USA, CFR, Title 47, Chapter-1, Part-02, Subpart-C, Necessary Bandwidths (October 2012 Emissions Table).pdf
Band Width Information 03 - Industry Canada, TRC-43, Designation of Emissions, Necessary Bandwidths (November 2012 Emissions Table).pdf
Radio Regulations - ARS Approximate & Regulated BW of a SSBSC-AM RTPY Signal (By Larry E. Gugle K4RFE).pdf
Radio Regulations - CFR, Title 47, Chapter-1, Part-02, Subpart-C (October 2012, Page 621, C - Emissions).pdf
Radio Regulations - CFR, Title 47, Chapter-1, Part-97, Subpart-A to F (1).pdf
Radio Regulations - CFR, Title 47, Chapter-1, Part-97, Subpart-A to F (2).pdf
Radio Regulations - CFR, Title 47, Chapter-1, Part-97, Subpart-A to F (3).pdf
Radio Regulations - CFR, Title 47, Chapter-1, Part-97, Subpart-A, Section-97.1 (By Larry E. Gugle K4RFE).pdf
Radio Regulations - CFR, Title-47, Chapter-1, Part-02, Subpart-C (By Larry E. Gugle K4RFE).pdf
Radio Regulations - Communications Act of 1934 and CFR, Title 47, Chapter 1, Parts Applicability (By Larry E. Gugle K4RFE).pdf
Radio Regulations - IARU, Resolutions and Policies of the Administrative Council (October 2010).pdf
Radio Regulations - IARU, Spectrum Requirements For Amateur Services (September 2013).pdf
Radio Regulations - ITU Radio Regulations (2012 Edition).pdf
Radio Regulations - ITU, Recommendation ITU-R SM.1138-2, Determination of Necessary Bandwidths (October 2008).pdf
Radio Regulations - Industry Canada, TRC-43, Designation of Emissions (November 2012).pdf