01A Balun - Reflections 3rd Edition Chapter 21 - Some Aspects of the Balun Problem (By Walter Maxwell W2DU).pdf
01B Balun - Reflections 2nd Edition Chapter 21 - Some Aspects of the Balun Problem (By Walter Maxwell W2DU).pdf
02 Balun - What They Do and How They Do It (By Roy Lewallen W7EL).pdf
03A Balun - Baluns Chapter 6 (By Jim Brown K9YC).pdf
03B Balun - A Ham's Guide to RFI, Ferrites, Baluns, and Audio Interfacing (By Jim Brown K9YC).pdf
04 Balun - Is It Necessary To Use A Balun (By Larry E. Gugle K4RFE).pdf
05 Balun - A Better Antenna Tuner Balun (By Andrew Roos ZS1AN QEX Sep 2005).pdf
06 Balun - An Analysis of the Balun (By Bruce Eggers WA9NEW).pdf
07 Balun - Tuner Balun 4 to 1 or 1 to 1 (By S. E. Hunt G3TXQ).pdf